Archive for August, 2014

Harley Davidson bags

Harley bikes are highly prestigious motorcycles that represent the owner’s personality. The only way to experience a Harley is by touring on the open road. Since these bikes are built for high performance, they are mostly used for touring by their owners. Harley Davidson bags come in handy when it comes to conveniently carrying your supplies for road tours. When shopping for the best saddlebags you will come across multiple variations that have associated pros and cons. This guide is written to provide useful information on custom saddlebags for Harley Davidson made of leather.

As previously stated, Harley bikes are a representation of their owner’s personality; all accessories fitted on these bikes have to be of the highest quality. Leather Harley Davidson bags are a great way of styling your bike with quality and functional accessories. When shopping for leather saddlebags you will definitely come across multiple products all of which have varying levels of quality in terms of the leather used and the workmanship. All these differences will impact on the durability and quality of the saddlebags. It is, therefore, important to be well informed of the differences of available products so that you make an informed decision.

Why leather Harley Davidson Bags?

High quality Harley Davidson bags are most importantly durable. High quality leather with quality workmanship is bound to serve you for a long time while at the same time retaining that great glossy leather appearance. Another advantage that comes with quality leather Harley Davidson bags is that they are waterproof. Touring on a Harley Davidson bike will definitely involve exposure to wet conditions, for instance, from rain. It is important that your luggage be safe from water damage. Also of importance is the aesthetic appeal of leather custom saddlebags for Harley Davidson. Leather accessories always have a great styling effect, and so do these bags.

Types of Leather Harley Davidson Bags

The type of leather used in making Harley Davidson bags determines their quality and most importantly their durability. Since most leather saddlebags come at a higher price compared to other materials, it is important to be sure that you will get your money’s worth.

Harley Davidson saddlebags for Softailcustom

Leather Harley Davidson bags can either be made out of thick whole grain leather or thin slices of leather. Note the hide used to make leather can be split into multiple slices of leather. These thin slices are then added to composite material such as PVC to thicken it up; this reduces the quality of the product. Depending on how well the two materials are bonded, bubbles/blisters are formed when exposed to weather elements.

Leather saddlebags are durable because they have been treated to withstand the elements of weather. Quality leather Harley Davidson bags should have been treated using state of the art tanning processes. The origin of the bag can give an indication of the quality of the tanning process.